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Showing posts from November, 2017

what is bitcoin cash?

           What is bitcoin cash? Bitcoin cashes fork was released on August 1st, 2017 due to the ongoing argument within the bitcoin community of increasing the size of the block, which sprung this fork up as a way to upgrade bitcoins itself. The original developers saw the high transaction fees and the bitcoin network slowing down at its massive size, they immediately created bitcoin cash with an 8mb block which allows faster transactions and lowers fees which are intended to bring back merchants and businesses to bitcoin as a currency, not digital gold. In conclusion, my view of bitcoin as a perfect example of flagship technology in a new industry but when it stops catching up with the industry it dies. Bitcoin is a reliable coin and has brought us this amazing period of social and economic revolution but if it doesn't adapt and decide weather it wants to be an asset or a currency it will fade away to coins that already have decided what they need.period of social an

OPINION: cryptocurrency the evolution of currency itself

                          Cryptocurrency the evolution of currency itself  The free-market, the sure plethora of transactions alone requires massive storage facilities just to log and record this information. Possibly the greatest tool evolution gave us was the ability to not only create but share and sell our creations which have allowed to raise ourselves with a clenched fist as being on the same trophic level as cattle to being the sole Breeders of them. We are a stepping stone in human civilization in which currency as knowing it isn't a bill attached to some percentage of gold locked in a vault next to a tank base but a virtual code that was solved for by massive computer systems. While fiat is controlled by oligarchical groups of traders, banks and lobbyists which are bowed to by federal reserves, these coins for the most part only have you the holder to be controlled by. With the recent fork within bitcoin and the immense similarities it has shown us what happens when

Segwit2x, the hard fork that cried wolf

                  Segwit2x, the hard fork that cried wolf  The hard fork segwit2x was canceled, but why? The original (nya) new york agreement was designed to increase the block size from 1mb to 2mb, which in theory would speed up transactions and help lower fees. With this general idea, it was supported by large mining pools and even the bitcoin space. One of the leaders announced that "unfortunately, it is clear that we have nit built sufficient consensus for a clear blockchain size upgrade." This is a huge switch in decision making since the whole fork was only decided by a group of 58 groups mostly the large exchanges and mining pools. This may mean bitcoin isn't turning down the road of being a centralized currency as it's whole origin tried to distance its self from but stay a secular Cryptocurrency. Help support me with your choice of crypto! Btc - 1Eh7q4ZgXCXn5xj7JZuGu5NN2B7Pph8hnE Eth - 0x82B00F5eCC7d8749B3cD7807a8ccD28bb3Fc51da Ltc - LcsHF6v